Known to friends and associates as “Nate”, Nathan Landow made his initial millions in real estate, but made a name for himself playing key roles in national and Maryland Democratic Party politics – raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for presidential candidates such as Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale and Al Gore. His interest in casinos…...
About Ayo Johnson
Ayo Johnson is a veteran journalist based in Bermuda and West Africa. A Sierra Leonean and Bermudian with 20 years combined experience in communications, journalism and media production, Ayo has won two Ridgeway Awards for Journalistic Excellence and in 2012 was named Journalist of the Year by the Bermudian magazine Best of Bermuda Award scheme . Human rights advocacy is Ayo’s other passion.
About Makeem "Haz" Bartley
Passionate about design since high school, Makeem is no stranger to busting his brain; thinking of new ways to convey his (or anyone’s) vision into visual form in either Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator or InDesign. He is known for his sharp simplicity, obsession with symmetry, a “cartoony” personality and a sincere smile to match.