Think Media produces high quality, high integrity journalism for vulnerable communities around the world. Our immediate focus is Bermuda and the other populated remnants of the British empire. As resources grow, we plan to operate wherever independent journalism is needed.
Politica is Think Media’s first digital journal. On this site you will find a range of projects and stories – data driven analyses, corruption investigations and social network analyses which expose systems of power and control.
Politica will profile nation builders and leaders, examine social issues, deconstruct major events and shine a fresh light on our histories.
Our bias will be a healthy skepticism toward governments, people and corporations with inordinate power and those who seek it.
Our passions include human rights, governance, politics, social justice and sustainability.
We will also seek out and tell stories which highlight the human impact of injustice as well as stories which demonstrate that you cannot colonise the human spirit.
Keeping it Going
How will we sustain this work financially? More importantly, how do we sustain it while maintaining a fierce editorial independence from powerful political and economic forces?
Success will depend on the value ordinary people place on our work and our mission.
We know that advertising centered business models have steadily eroded the editorial independence of our newsrooms – especially in vulnerable societies such as ours.
So we want to avoid as much as possible financial links with powerful people and organisations and instead depend directly on our readers and audiences.
That’s why we say Think Media is an act of faith in ordinary people, and that’s why we have instituted a membership model on this site.
This is not to say that we will never enter the advertising space – we do not doubt that there are corporate entities that understand and respect the critical importance of journalistic independence.
It is to say that if we do enter the advertising space, we will be certain to ensure that our agreements will be transparent and shrouded with an iron-clad guarantee of our editorial independence.
And we will try everything else first.
Our business model will be experimental until we come to an accord with you about the value proposition, and hit the sweet spot of sustainability.
We will always welcome your feedback and suggestions.
If you would like to be kept informed of developments please subscribe to our newsletter.
Ayo Johnson, Editor
This article belongs to Politica ! The original article can be found here: About Think Media
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