A leader in Sierra Leone’s 18 month confrontation with the killer Ebola virus offers his thoughts on tackling the new contagion As the novel coronavirus (COVID –19) spreads, policymakers are facing the challenge of structuring effective responses to manage the risks to public health, critical services and the economy. It will get worse before it […]
Current State of Affairs – Justin Mathias
An opinion by Justin Mathias, Future Bermuda Alliance Chair
Last week Friday was my first time sitting in the House of Assembly, and what a day that was. Being a student of Bermudian politics for the last 15 years and listening to the House religiously, and hearing some of the shenanigans by grown adults while real issues that affect Bermudians were being put to […]
The meaning of Brexit
The political scientist and theorist Francis Fukuyama in a 1989 essay once wrote that with the triumph of Western Liberal values – the precursor of neo-liberalism at the end of the cold war – that that would signal an end to history itself. Well on the 23rd of June, 2016, millions of British voters thought […]
Racial and socioeconomic realities a deadly cocktail for black men
Opinion by Rolfe Commissiong
A little more than a year-and-a-half ago, a reporter asked me and other political and community leaders whether the abatement, or lull, in gun violence in Bermuda then signalled that that horrific trend had come to its long overdue end. I essentially said no. Realizing then that one season does not a year make, and […]
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Activist Dr Eva Hodgson and lawyer Eugene Johnston discuss Immigration reform, black empowerment and the way forward, following a CURB presentation on the history and legacy of immigration in Bermuda
“Do you really want comprehensive immigration reform?” asks Eugene Johnston. This article belongs to Politica ! The original article can be found here: Comprehensive Immigration ReformPolitica © 2025 – All Rights Reserved… This content is for members only. Register for full access and support independent journalism Log In Register...
Immigration. Its History. Its Legacy
Presentation by Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda (CURB). March 11, 2016, Cathedral Hall
Bermuda’s racialized immigration regime and other laws have been used to control the Island’s black population throughout its history for political, social and economic purposes. Measures were devised to curb black political expression, keep the numbers of blacks within acceptable limits, and preserve white political and economic power. Post Emancipation there were deliberate attempts to […]
A question of principle
Opinion I guess I should be careful what I say – word from the Hill is that some in Government have suggested there’s a conspiracy placing Ayo Johnson in league with the Opposition to “bring down” the gummint.. Its been said before – a year ago shortly after we published Selling Bermuda. Wayne Scott, a […]
Interns wanted!
Think Media launches Summer Internship Programme
Internship programme announcement As part of our efforts to address the critical need to build local capacity for high quality, high integrity journalism, and to level the playing field for young Bermudians seeking entry into the field of journalism, Think Media has launched its summer internship programme. What is it? Think Media’s Summer Internship programme is […]
The spectre of ebola protectionism
A new kind of spectre is haunting the world: the spectre of ebola protectionism. As the ebola virus disease ravages the societies of the Mano River Union (MRU) states of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, there are increasing calls from conservative politicians, right-wing groups, and sections of the media to prevent people from MRU states from […]
Romanticism, denial and wilful ignorance
I recently had the opportunity to speak to a Bermudian style Rasta of African Descent the other day who – noting my long standing anti-racism advocacy – basically asserted that he was not prepared to listen to anything concerning racism and white behavior in perpetuating it until we recognize that black Africans participated and sold […]