A number of children facing certain court proceedings are now without legal representation after litigation guardian Tiffanne Thomas quit the role pending resolution of payment for her services over the last four years. Thomas announced last week that she planned to take legal action to resolve the matter once and for all. Government meanwhile has…...
Premier dissolves ministry probing child abuse allegations, sacks minister
Minister "disappointed" but vows to work diligently in the backbench
Premier David Burt has dissolved the ministry of social development and sports, and fired its head Michael Weeks, raising concerns about an ongoing investigation into the department of child and family services. In a wide-ranging cabinet “reconfiguration” the Premier also assumed responsibility for the nascent fintech industry, handed finance to newcomer Curtis Dickinson and brought…...
Tiffanne Thomas: “Somebody help these children”
On July 19, Tiffanne Thomas wrote an open letter to the Premier alerting him to the fact that, for the past 20 years, Bermuda has failed to protect the rights of vulnerable children who have no where else to turn to but the state. In this July 20 interview she explains the situation and urges […]